Advanced sensor technology such as Sens Solutions air monitoring device, the AMR-S3DP, in hospitals can have a significant impact in minimizing hospital contamination outbreaks and improving patient safety, resulting in the reducing loss of life, revenue, and resources.
Bacterias form on medical instruments and devices like catheters, implants, and even hospital surfaces. They can be difficult to eliminate, leading to healthcare-associated infections also known as (HAIs).
HAIs are responsible for many preventable deaths in hospitals. According to the CDC, there were an estimated 687,000 HAIs in US hospitals; an estimated 72,000 patients died with HAIs during hospitalization in 2015. As of 2023, one in 31 US patients contract at least one HAI.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control states that up to 50% of HAIs are estimated to be preventable however an estimated 3.5 million cases of HAI occurs each year in the EU, resulting in nearly 90,000 deaths.
HAIs such as Acinebacter costs per infection range between $30K – $130K. This is due to overstaying patients, extra treatments, deaths and fines. In the United States, the overall direct costs of HAIs to hospitals range between $28B – $45B according to the National Library of Medicine.
Preventing outbreaks means fewer patients requiring resource-intensive treatments, specialized care, or extensive use of antibiotics. This also reduces the reliance of antibiotic drugs and slows the development of antibiotic resistance. Hospitals will be able to save and utilize more efficiently their resources without scrambling for more nurses, ICU beds, and medical equipment.
Hospitals begin to utilize more biosensor technology monitoring systems, especially in ICUs and high risk areas to prevent contamination outbreaks and potential losses. The early detection through biosensors allows for timely intervention.
Advancements in technology have improved over the years making sensors more reliable than ever. Sens Solutions AMR-S3DP is a non-invasive air monitoring sensor. This real time monitoring device is designed for fast and efficient detection of bacteria and antibiotic-resistant pathogens.
The value of biosensor technology such as the AMR-S3DP cannot be overstated. In hospitals, this could reduce HAIs, save lives and reduce financial and resource strains.