CEO of Sens Solutions, Silvia Gomez, was invited to the round table organized by Vapor Llonch in the 10th edition of Cafe Aventura, an entrepreneurial forum located in Sabadell

Cafe Aventura provides an interactive space between companies with business projects, consolidated business, innovators with research centers and technology and investors. Sens Solutions was one of the winning companies at Cafe Aventura and the forum’s mentoring services has been a great help in generating Sens Solutions bases. Cafe Aventura is Read more…

Operations and prototyping manager at Sens Solutions, Aleix Collado, presented the biofilm monitoring system prototype for water distribution systems at Bellaterra campus

The Bellaterra campus has been the setting where not only the SINCRO project was presented but also where Sens Solutions develops its sensor and the technology of the biofilm monitoring system. SINCRO is a project coordinated by EMATSA, a company involved in the management of the integral water cycle, with Read more…

Barcelona, Helsinki and Athens, the three European cities chosen for the test phase of the InChildHealth project

InChildHealth aims to identify determining factors in indoor air quality of and its impact on the health of schoolchildren, in order to correct the air quality and reduce the burdens of illnesses in this group. InChildHealth integrates research in health, environment, technical, and social science in order to identify determinants Read more…

Sens Solutions has been invited to the largest European forum for investors. Cleantech Forum Europe was celebrated in Brussels from November 8th-10th

Sens Solutions recently began an investment round in order to obtain €750k with the objective of marketing our products, augment and increase service and shipping capabilities. Silvia Gomez, CEO of Sens Solutions, had attended the Cleantech Forum Europe, where the main investors and a new generation of emerging companies all Read more…

Opening the Investment Round

Sens Solutions opens an investment round in order to accelerate development of its arrival to the commercial market. The company’s goal is to obtain €750.000 necessary to scale, increase service and shipping capabilities, and enable the necessary traction to start commercialization. By 2025 the company anticipates a 200% growth at Read more…

Sens Solutions’ AGRO-S3DP, in collaboration with Análisis-DSC (Dynamic & Segurity computations), moves to the third phase of Digicirc

Digicirc,accelerator of companies, has considered that the Agro-S3DP passes to the third and last phase of the Digicirc Accelerator projects. El Agro-S3DP eis an air analysis system (24/7) that foresees possible bacterial outbreaks, being able to identify Listeria, Ecoli and Salmonella in spaces where food is stored. This system is Read more…

Solar Impulse Label

Sens Solutions Team are very proud to announce that Hydro-S3DP project has awarded the prestigious Solar Impulse Label. The Solar Impulse Foundation is the brainchild of Bertrand Piccard, which capitalises on his historic non-stop solar-powered flight around the World completed in 2016. The aim of the Foundation is to award Read more…

SENS4CARE an innovative system for the surveillance and control of infections aimed at multidrug-resistant organisms (MDGs) in hospitals developed by Sens Solutions (Spain) and Tech4care SRL (Italy)

The Sens4Care project aims to design a ground-breaking system for surveillance and infection control targeting Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs) in hospitals. The Sens4Care solution is a complex, multi-component technological system which: (1) detects most common MDROs in critical hospital settings; (2) supports health care professionals and managers to improve hygiene and Read more…